Data Projects

Question Hour: Indian Parliament Dataset

TCDP-IPD is a dataset of all questions & answers asked between 1999 (Winter Session) and 2019 (Winter Session) along with full text of question.

The Question Hour is the only time when Members of Parliament (MPs) can ask questions of the ruling government in their individual capacity, unrestrained by party membership. The questions tabled by the MPs give considerable insight on the involvement, interests and concerns of elected representatives in the Lok Sabha.

If a variable(s) drawn from the TCDP-IPD dataset plays an important role in your project (published or unpublished), please use all the suggested citations below: 

“TPCD-IPD: TCPD Indian Parliament Dataset (Question Hour) 1.0″

Bhogale, Saloni. Trivedi Centre for Political Data, Ashoka University, 2019.

“TPCD-IPD: TCPD Indian Parliament Codebook (Question Hour) 1.0”.

Bhogale, Saloni. Trivedi Centre for Political Data, Ashoka University, 2019.

Key Researcher: Saloni Bhogale