Data Quoted

Analysis: Muslim electoral irrelevance may soon be a thing of the past

The Hindu
By Vikas Pathak
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Press Articles

Assembly elections results in MP, Rajasthan show upper castes still dominate heartland

Hindustan Times
By Gilles Verniers
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Press Articles

Fewer women MLAs find place in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh assemblies this time

Hindustan Times
By Gilles Verniers
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Data Quoted

Assembly Elections 2018: Decline in women and Muslim candidates, says think tank

Hindustan Times
By Anisha Dutta
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Data Quoted

Assembly Election Results 2018: What worked—the Modi bounce or the Rahul rally?

By Sriharsha Devulapalli and Vishnu Padmanabhan
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Press Articles

How to read December 11

Indian Express
By Gilles Verniers
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November 2018

This is the second issue of the TCPD Newsletter. Our current issue contains experiences of three students who spent time in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan collecting information about the profile of candidates selected by political parties to contest elections. We are also excited to announce the following – a collaboration with two scholars on an on-going project on studying the determinants of political ambition amongst both women and men, an award to one of our team members for her research, a partnership with an organization to co-host public lectures of political intermediaries, two conferences that the Centre is organizing in December and lastly the addition of a new team member.

Press Articles

Madhya Pradesh assembly election 2018: Will corruption, rural anger hurt BJP in the state?

Hindustan Times
By Neelanjan Sircar and Roshan Kishore
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Data Quoted

Madhya Pradesh assembly election 2018: Will corruption, rural anger hurt BJP in the state?

Hindustan Times
By Neelanjan Sircar and Roshan Kishore
Read article


October 2018

Welcome to our first issue of the TCPD Newsletter, our monthly newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight new projects, updates to existing projects, on-going research, publications, participation in conferences, opportunities to work with us and events. All of our TCPD Newsletter issues will also be available online on our website. Our current issue includes a data release and an addition to our working paper series which uses the data, the addition of two new features to Lok Dhaba, an opportunity to work with us and the addition of a web developer to our team.