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India’s anti-defection law fails to deter party turncoats

Asia Times
By Aritiry Das
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How BJP wrested Dalit seats in UP…with help from turncoats 

India Today
By Nikhil Rampal
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Press Articles

Modi’s Success in India’s Elections: Five Factors

YaleGlobal Online
By Gilles Verniers
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Gujarat’s Enduring Muslim Ghettoes: Laws like Disturbed Areas Act (1991) and amendments severely segregate the minority

By Sharik Laliwala
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Rahul Gandhi’s letter highlights incorrect diagnosis of ’19 results Analysis

Hindustan Times
By Roshan Kishore
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As more Karnataka MLAs resign, do defectors win elections? Data holds the answer

The Print
By Rukmini S
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June 2019

In collaboration with Sciences Po, TCPD organised two conference events in Paris on June 24-25, 2019. The first one was on Women in Indian Politics. This event was sponsored by Facebook. The second event was a part of the LIA SPINPER project and the theme was The 17th Indian General Elections: National and Regional Perspectives. This was supported by CNRS

Summer School

Summer School 2019

Resources Assignment Questions Summer School 2019 Handbook Datasets Sessions July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 Designing and Conducting Field Work A Landscape of Political Data in […]

Press Articles

Simultaneous Polls Is Not The Electoral Reform We Need Most

Outlook India
By S.Y. Quraishi
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Narendra Modi’s “two-caste society” is a facade to hide the BJP’s casteist politics

The Caravan
By Sagar
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